Cypress Chamber Music Institute
at Falmouth Academy
August 2-8, 2015
Ages 12-20 and Adult Amateurs
Strings, Flute, Clarinet, Piano
About the Program
This summer – from Sunday August 2 through Saturday August 8 – the Cypress String Quartet offers a week of daily coaching and enrichment sessions for string quartets as well as for small chamber ensembles (trios or quartets) including strings plus flute, clarinet, or piano.
Students from the ages of 12 through 20 are encouraged to apply, either as individuals or as members of a pre-formed group. A small number of adult amateurs will also be welcomed, either as individuals or as a pre-formed group. Application Instructions below…
Institute Details
Week Overview
Sunday August 2
Participant check-in
Opening Concert featuring the Cypress String Quartet
Monday August 3-Friday August 7
CCMI will run from 9am to 3:30pm
Daily schedule details TBA
Saturday August 8
Morning dress rehearsal, afternoon concert for parents and friends, followed by a casual reception.
Master Classes
In addition to independent rehearsal sessions and coaching by members of the CSQ, students will participate in daily presentations and master classes exploring different aspects of chamber music performance: choosing repertoire, managing rehearsals, getting the most out of coaching, caring for one’s instrument, etc.
Cypress Quartet Performances
CCMI participants will also be invited to attend performances by the Cypress Quartet, starting with an opening concert on Sunday August 2nd, in which they will present their nuanced and dynamic interpretations of string quartet classics as well as of contemporary works.
The week’s tuition is $650. A non-refundable application fee of $50 will be credited towards accepted applicants’ tuition costs. Some need-based financial aid is available.
How to Apply
Application Deadline: April 15, 2015
- 1a. Applicants aged 12-20: Complete this online application form
- 1b. Adult Amateurs (age 21 or older): Complete this online application form
- 2. Prepare and privately Share your Audition Recording (audio or video) with via file-sharing services such as:
* DropBox
* Box
* Google Drive
* SoundCloud
Audition Recordings must include at least two contrasting pieces or a single piece and a scale so that we can determine appropriate repertoire and/or suitable ensemble assignments for each applicant. Pre-formed chamber groups are strongly encouraged to submit a group audition recording as well. - 3. If requesting financial assistance (check the box on the application form), send a brief letter explaining your situation to by the Application materials deadline.
- 4. Applicants aged 12-20: Have your private teacher complete the confidential Teacher Recommendation Form by the April 15, 2015 deadline.
- 5. Each applicant (individual or member of a group) must submit the non-refundable $50 application fee via Credit Card (through our secure PayPal link below) or by mail (check payable to the Cypress String Quartet, sent to the address below). Please include the applicant name in the mini-form below before clicking to pay via PayPal, to ensure proper crediting of your payment.
Application Process Timeline
Application Deadline: June 1, 2015
Accepted applicants notified on a rolling basis, 2015
Music Assignments and other Institute Information & Forms sent to participants on or around July 1, 2015
Tuition payment due by July 1
Any remaining Tuition Balance and Signed Forms must be submitted at Registration on the afternoon of August 2, 2015
Cypress String Quartet
44 Page Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: (415) 500-2150